Greens Resturant - The Non Essential
Released on January 29th, 2013
129 SEK + shipping
Progress Origin is a not a sub label to Progress Productions. But it's in a way a tribute to the pioneers of Swedish electronic music. Music that shaped what today is the sound of modern electronic music. From the time when tapes was traded and changed hands outside concerts and clubs. The music that inspired us all to do something of our own. Important pieces of history FINALLY available on CD. The first release in this series is: Greens Resturant. A true Swedish electronic cult band that started already back in 1985. Greens Resturant unique way of mixing Minimal, EBM, synthpop and psychadelica with poetic and crazy lyrics quickly made them extremely popular back in the days. Mastermind Patrik Markusson has gone through loads of old tapes and 4-track porta-recordings to collect what can be considered the ULTIMATE collection of Green Resturant which has been given the name "The Non Essential" and is nothing less than 40 tracks on two CDs.
The material has been carefully remastered by one of Sweden's absolute top mastering personalities Håkan Åkesson that has worked on worldwide known mastering firm Cutting Room. We release this to give the old people a chance to finally hear the material in a way they NEVER expected and also for the new younger people to discover where their favorite bands has their roots. A very important and unique piece of Swedish Electronic Music and a
MUST for everyone interested in the history of Swedish Electronic History.
Progress Productions proudly gives you: Greens Resturant "The Non Essential" 1985-1991.
CD1:1. Låt oss sova i träden inatt
2. Vilse i hennes blygdskog
3. Troll
4. Julia
5. Allt är så bra
6. Pernillaleken
7. I vilken ordning faller fåglarna?
8. När du kom till noll
9. Inflorescens
10. Matsilverdagar
11. Lafairida
12. Citron
13. Tidvatten
14. Jag vill inte förstå
15. Lovesong
16. Ekofiskfält
17. Ett för ett med en pincett
1. Låt mig ta dig ner till klipporna
2. Samla damm
3. Dumma moln
4. Endera dagen
5. Innan betydelsen
6. Sländgatan
7. Tårarna och skeppen
8. Den första och sista spindeln
9. Grannar
10. Helga darling
11. Viktoriaplan
12. Valtårar över allt
13. Tuba spisar Svens manualer
14. Svens manualer
15. Mannaminne
16. Smek mig med en motorsåg
17. Köksvägen till dig
18. Finna kanaler
19. Ulla udda
20. Säter
21. Det spelar ingen roll var du gömmer dina kungar min drottning
22. Vanessa Atalanta
23. Dahle sover